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Wedgewood is a member-owned and run swim club located at 957 S. Matlack Street in West Chester, Pennsylvania. Wedgewood Swim Club offers ideal facilities including three pools, a pavilion and a picnic area, a large deck, charcoal grills, restroom and shower facilities, playground, basketball, baseball, and horseshoe pits. All pools are staffed with lifeguards during all hours of operation.

  • 195O'S & 1960'S
    1957 OCTOBER: First recorded meeting to organize the Club 1958 APRIL: Contract made with Sapphire Pools to build a 25 yd. “L” shaped pool, a baby pool, office and breezeway for $29,789.00 MAY: Property deed signed – land purchased from Cecil C. Goodwin JUNE: Membership – 66 families. JULY: Bath house constructed by the members, One beer can from the wall still remains AUGUST: Pool officially opened, First fence was made of turkey wire SEPTEMBER: First annual meeting held at Westtown Thornbury SchoolBalance sheet dated September 25, noted a deficit of $122 1959 MARCH:Balance sheet = $2,918.49Guest fees set at $1 for adults and $.50 for children APRIL: Application for swimming pool operation approved with permit #2132 1960 APRIL:Driveway and parking circle completed for $1,513.00Storage garage constructed by W. Earl Thomas for $2,522.00 AUGUST: Swim team had 51 members and a season record of 1 win and 5 lossesAgnes Chesco spent the outlandish sum of $23.30 on the swim team party 1963 APRIL: Douglas R. Bickley resigns from the Club. He held bond # 1 1967 Pavilion constructed with membership funds
  • 1980'S & 1990'S
    New grills installed 1987 APRIL: Lower pool constructed by Vincent Pools with grading by Bill Hickman for $125,000.00 1996JUNE: New baby pool installed by Carlton Pools 1998 New bathhouse constructed under the direction of project coordinators Steve Schultheis and Dennis Inverso. Removed concrete four-square in front of Maintenance garage to new concrete location outside of picnic area. 1999 Fence at top of hill between upper pool and lower pool removed. Addition of new steps to lower pool. Added reversible benches on crest of hill to lower pool and added 12 umbrellas to upper and lower pools. These projects were constructed under the direction of project coordinators Steve Schultheis and Dennis Inverso.
  • 2000 To 2010
    2000 New deck and ramp to lower pool was constructed under the direction of project coordinators Steve Schultheis and Dennis Inverso. Purchased 3 new composite picnic tables with umbrellas for deck. 2002 Discontinued use of sign-in book and instituted membership cards with member’s pictures 2003 Original (vintage 1958) steel upper pool totally removed and reconstructed with plaster. Pump house equipment replaced. Concrete around pool replaced along with perimeter drains. 2200 square feet of sod installed. New fence around pool installed under the direction of Steve Schultheis and Dennis Inverso. Fence removed between picnic area and baby pool. 2005 Removed cinder-block from center of pavilion by members and pool staff Installed new electrical poles, electrical substation, and manholes for easy access to buried cables. For safety reasons, relocated rusty electrical panel and motor starters from upper pump house to new substation. Installed a new chair rack by Dennis Inverso. Moved the miniature golf and added another hole for the kids by Bob Marks. Added a fence to the front gate. Installed a new computer system for member check-in by Dennis Inverso. Moved all the grills to the perimeter of the picnic area for additional child safety. Purchased a new volleyball net, which can be installed within minutes between the poles on the basketball court. Added wall ball structure on blacktop. 2006 Installed a new chair rack. Moved the miniature golf and added another hole for the kids. Added a fence to the front gate. Installed a new computer system for member check-in. 2007 Several trees were trimmed in the picnic area and the parking lot. The Bathhouse was completely repainted and the floors were power washed to remove the loose epoxy. Other projects included adding an amplifier and speakers for our intercom system by Dennis Inverso, and some extra landscaping in several areas. The baby pool and gutters on the upper pool received a fresh coat of paint before opening day. The storage area for chairs was improved, adding another rack and moving existing racks to allow more room. In addition, a new Terrace/Pavers step was installed to replace the old wood steps in front of the pavilion under the direction of Rich Horan who also installed the concrete shuffleboard. These projects were completed by members to save the Club labor costs. 2008 Several projects were completed. The biggest project included refurbishing the floors in the restrooms and breezeway with a nonslip concrete surface. Also, completed was the installation of a larger window for an improved view of the upper pools by Steve Amway, and implementing a recycling program. All blue doors repainted by members during the spring workday. 2009 New security cameras installed. All electrical outlets and circuits rewired. Check-in software updated. Starting blocks replaced. Pool drains replaced due to swimming pool code. Outside lights added to front of Club.
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We’re a member owned and operated swim club located in West Chester, PA that provides swimming and recreational activities for local area family members.

Swim Club Hours:


We are open seasonally, from Memorial Day to Labor Day

Check out our hours on our Calendar


*Special events may have later hours.

Swim Club Location:


957 S. Matlack Street
West Chester, PA 19382


Mailing Address:  Wedgewood Swim Club, P.0. Box 614, West Chester, PA 19381-0614


(610) 696-4390

NOTE: The phone is answered only during summer hours so please do not leave a voice mail.

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